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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Collection Of Words Of Wisdom And Advice

The inability of self to honestly confess sin and repent, in fact that is the source of the various problems that befall

Spend some time for self-reflection, taubati sneezing of sins, really tears of repentance will be a way of calm and solution
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Find a thousand and one reasons to be better thought to be more calm than a life full of prejudice

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Assalamu'alaikum my patient friend, Ayoo keep away from anything that harms others, because surely will return to myself

Parking carelessly so that others are blocked, jammed
Remove the trash is not in place
Honking excessively

Let's let alone what we see in the environment around ..... hopefully we are part of Solusi.Amiin
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Assalamu'alaikum my sincere friend, let's do the best Lillaahi Ta'ala is not to be praised, respected and rewarded

The more expecting human praise than the heart will not calm down, will be much disappointed and the reward will disappear
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Allah knows more than us,
All the needs and the best for us, our duty is only to straighten the intention & perfection efforts.

Is not this what happens to us a lot of the unthinked than the thought?

(((--- --- WORLD ONLY TEMPORARY ---)))

"A lot of people for the sake of the world who just drop by for a moment and do not guarantee this happy, willing to sacrifice all-out to achieve it.
But why for Allah, is rarely an all-out when HE Owners and Determinants of everything that promise will happen and will not miss ..! "

"For your reward will be perfected on the Day of Judgment. Whoever is avoided from hell and raised to heaven, how lucky he is, in fact the life of this world is only a temporary temptation of deceit "(Surah Ali Imran: 185).
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"Good always brings calm, while badness always brings anxiety."

If intentions and actions are right then Allah will make the heart so steady, calm, ready with whatever will happen.
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# The three things that destroy:
1. Mind that is adhered to
2. Lust that is obeyed
3. One's admiration for himself.

# Three things that save:
1. Do justice when angry or happy
2. Simple when poor or rich
3. Fear of God in solitude or in crowds.

# Three things that wipe away sins:
1. Waiting for the prayer until the next prayer
2. Improve wudu in a cold state
3. Walking to prayer jama'ah.

# Three elevating things:
1. Feeding
2. Spread the greetings
3. Pray at night, when man is sleeping.

[HR. Ath-Thabarani from Ibn Umar radhiyallahu'anhuma, Shahihul Jami
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Irritability can ruin the atmosphere and silaturrahim, begins because the heart ujub and pompous to be respected and appreciated

Instead of being a touchy person, it's easy to smile
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My best friend ... Always be blessed to Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, because no one loves us more than He Who Creates, Who Owns, Who Takes Care of us every time

Every trial that befall must have been measured by Allah swt justly and surely for our good is not to destroy
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Let's do the smallest kindness and the sincere sincerity, the reply from Allah many ways

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We have to be ready, as well as whatever we do will not be able to satisfy all parties even there will be a reproach
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Our job is not to "set up God
Rather self-organize order:
1. The heart can be straight intention lillahi ta 'alaa
2. Perfect effort in His path
3. Pasrahkan Tawakkal total to Him

The rest is up to Him Who is Good, Who knows what is best for us, guaranteed never to be disappointed

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Want Fun Who?

Fun Alloh or just want to please mere humans?

From Ibn Abbas r.huma, said, Rasululloh saw said:
"Whoever incites the wrath of Allah for the sake of harvesting man, Allah will be angry with him, and those who were delighted in the wrath of Allah will make him angry with him.

And whoever to please Allah is willing to be hated by human beings, Allah is blessed to him and those who hate him because he prefers the blessings of Allah, altered by Allah becomes ridho to him. So Alloh beautify him and beautify his words also his deeds in the eyes of man "

H.R. Thobroni

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Wanting someone else to change is a good thing, but just like a mirage if it does not begin to persistent self-change

Whenever we really improve ourselves, at the same time we have started to improve the others

Fix yourself is because Allah is not for the judgment of creatures or worldly desires, because it will not be successful to change with istiqomah if not sincere

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In the tight room there is a small mouse can be a big problem
The vast area of ​​the water buffalo though not a problem

Thus a narrow-hearted affair becomes a big and complicated problem
But the heart of the field, remain calm and steady despite facing big problems

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Patience is .... high-level science,
Learning every day,
Exercise at any time,
His examination was sudden,
School for life,
The gift is happiness and glory of the world akherat

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===. ... Faith Down ... ===

Science is the fertilizer of faith, added the science of the Name and nature of Allah, faith can be strengthened, less science tends to lack faith

Faith strengthens by multiplying charity, faith decreases because of sin and immorality

Faith is stronger and steadier, as the hearts of hope and fear become more and more dependent on other than Alloh

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Being old is easy and does not need knowledge and struggle, but being a mature and adult person is not easy

Mandatory have the persistence of continuing to seek knowledge and struggle to practice it with sincerity, for the faith / confidence more solid, more clear heart, Akhlaq increasingly noble, life more useful

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More desire is guided by lust so there is no satisfaction, often fruitful many anxiety and disappointment

Needs are guided by reason seh


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